Update on Boomer

Update on Boomer.  I spoke with the vet about Boomer not feeling too well.  After a long discussion, we decided to put him back on the tramadol for a week or so to see if his condition improves.   The surgeon said it is unusual at this stage for the tremble and shaking in the muscles around the amputation area.  Dr. Cowan thinks it might be atrophy setting in since there is no longer a leg needing the use of those muscles.  Late in the game for it but Boomer really has been an easy going patient so it isn’t totally out of the question.

Boomer seems a little more up today.  (He also took an hour medicinal nap)  We haven’t gone for any walks except to do business and there are now a lot of rugs down on the kitchen floor so he won’t slip.  We have once again barricaded the stairs so he can’t just run up.  Hopefully time will help along with massage.

Thank you everyone for your advice, help and support.


6 thoughts on “Update on Boomer”

  1. paws crossed the tramadol and increased medicinal napping make the difference!!! no need to rush into stairs, etc…they always take you too far away from the ‘treat jar’ anyway!!

    charon & spirit gayle

  2. What great pawrents you are! To notice changes and take action and keep Boomer a happy guy is so awesome!

    I hope it works really well to get recovery going in the right direction again. Hang in there!

    Wags and Hugs,
    Judy and Baby

  3. Good luck Boomer! I’m a huge fan of doggie massage – have you also thought about acupuncture? Sometimes that also helps. I’m sure he’ll be on the mend soon!!

    Sandy & Porter

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