It is so quiet outside right now.  A soft cold blanket has covered my yard, and gentle flakes are falling out of the sky landing in my fur, nestling down to my skin as they melt.  Still being half way unrobed of my warm winter coat; I got a bit of a chill while outside enjoying the first real snow of the year.  When Mom and I came back inside she covered me up with my nice warm fuzzy fleece blanket.  I really like that especially until my hair grows back.  How do my fellow short haired amputees stay warm without blankets, I will never understand.

This morning, I am not in the mood for breakfast yet, this makes my mom concerned but I am just so happy to be on a warm couch and being snuggled up with my super fuzzy blanket; the thought of food has floated away like the snowflakes outside. 

I haven’t had any pain medication yet today either.  (Mom said something to dad about weaning me off of them) I don’t like those nasty tasting meds and have become savvy to all the disguises mom uses.  She has ruined many good morsels of cream cheese, Vienna sausage, bites of liver and hotdogs all ruined by those yucky things.

Well, I am off to take a nap.

Your Tripawd friend (of 11 days) Super Boomer

3 thoughts on “SNOW”

  1. Hi Super Boomer. We have the snow here too. Not much yet as it just started. I love the snow.

    I had my mom worried during my recovery. Week three I wouldn’t hardly get off the couch to go out and do my business and had no interest in anything. Some people call it the post op funk. Only wanted to sleep. Naps are good.

    Marla and Daisy

  2. we always recommend medicinal naps, many of them… the snow sounds fun, it’s just cold here, but if it’s not raining…it’s good. glad you are getting off of the dope, and we know you’ll feel more like eating once that’s done. 11 days is great, keep up the good work!

    charon & spirit gayle

  3. Hi Boomer! You know what my Woman did last year when I was all shaved? She found a fleece vest from some thrift store and she sewed up an armhole and then zipped me into it. It was pretty nifty because it covered the bald place but didn’t overheat the rest of me.

    We need to nap a lot to heal after this. It’s a big deal. The peoples here talk like it’s a breeze, but it’s really a big deal. It beats cancer, but we have to grow a bunch of new stuff inside our bodies and it takes rest to do that. Tell your Woman to let you sleep. You’re doing great!

    Love, Dakota

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