Super Boomer is home! I think his Vet is the best! Yes, it is Boomers Mom here again. I just wanted to share the pain regiment Boomer was sent home with. We are so thankful Dr. Cowan is very into pain management. So here is his pain regiment for the next couple weeks:
Deramaxx 3PM once daily (pain and swelling)
Gabapentin 5 PM once daily (for nerve pain)
Tramadol every 8 hours 4pm 12 am 8 am 4 pm (for pain)
Cefpodoxime midnight once daily (antibiotics)
Bupivacaine 4 times daily on the 6’s and 12’s Injected into a soaker port, this numbs the nerves and helps prevent phantom pains
I am sharing this in hopes that anyone turning to this forum will be able to talk to their vet about managing their furry kids pain.
Now to the recovery details:
His vet wrote out a recovery and strengthening schedule for walking to build him back up.
And check this out, dissolvable stiches so he won’t have to go through the discomfort of stich removal.
Now as for how Boomer is doing… we have asked him to take it easy for a couple weeks from his Super Boomer job. He has agreed to try. He has eaten a bowl of cottage cheese, 2 hamburgers a couple of treats and drank a good amount of water. He is groggy and not up to moving around much (a good thing).
Hope this meds list helps. Thank all of you again for your well wishes.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message me.
Boomers Mom
Thank you for sharing these details! We would love to see them in the Treatment and Recovery forum too.
Sounds like Boomer is doing, well… Super! No wonder, considering the pharmaceuticals he’s enjoying.
I posted this in the treatment and recovery forum also. Thanks for the advice on that. I sure hope it helps a future Ttripawd.
Yo! SB! 2 hamburgers and cottage cheese. Dude, you are milkin’ it ain’t ya! Keep it up dude!