I know, dogs will be dogs and we should let them learn and not stand in the way of their attempt to establish their new normal after an amputation. But, Boomer overdid it yesterday and I am so sad to see him be lazy today. Yesterday he did the 16 deck steps at least 6 or 8 times and that was a lot. Then we have all our stairs inside and the fact he was so proud to be able to get up on the bed, he did that several times yesterday. Also, he had troubles gaining his back foot after he got knocked down by MB Sammie on the kitchen floor (off of the carpets). What a day.
Today, he realized he has a limitation with his discomfort and has requested help even getting up on the couch. I gave him a good massage and he is now stretched out on my side of the bed sleeping. I don’t know if he is dreaming or his leg is having spasms because only his back leg seems to be doing any twitching. He has been panting some today and none of the other furry kids have been so I think he is definitely showing signs of discomfort. To medicate or not, that is the question. If he isn’t doing better tomorrow I will check with the vet before we head out to the lake.
Still living in the moment and thankful he is here for me to fuss over,
Hegot on the bed by way of the chest all on his own this morning!!!! I am so proud of him and he is very proud of himself (very big smile and huge tail wags).
We are getting ready to go camping again this weekend and it looks the weather is going to be beautiful. Hopefully Boomer won’t mind have a few more pictures taken of him enjoying himself.
Well, it has been 2 months and 2 weeks as of today since Boomers amputation. I am happy to report, that Boomer is learning how to get on the bed by way of the chest at the foot of our bed. He still needs a little help but I am sure he will be doing it on his own in a very short time. That being said, we have finally removed all signs of a recovery room from our living room. The mattress has been put back into the spare room. It is so nice to have the house getting back to a normal.
Yesterday we took Boomer to the lake again and he enjoyed himself so much. We stopped by Sonic and got him a cup of water because we didn’t bring any and while we were doing that we picked up some chicken poppers for him as well. It was easy to tell the food was yummy in his tummy by his big smile.
Friday we have planned another camping trip so Boomer and I are both looking forward to relaxing and de-stressing.
It has been 2 months and 10 days since Boomer had his back left leg removed. Our camping trip was wonderful, however, he couldn’t make it up into the lawn chair like he used to. But he did manage to jump on the futon in the camper and from their get a boost onto the bed. He really had so much fun and you could see in his expression how he was so happy to go to the lake for 5 nights. Being outside and relaxing with no stress was good therapy for both of us. Check out a couple of the pics I took of his 1st camping adventure since his amputation:
Taking 2 legged sister for a walk.
Life is good.
He was tuckered out by the end of the trip as you can see he was falling asleep before bedtime.
One more update:
I am amazed at his progress. He is now going up and down the long set of step off of the deck. He does this a couple times a day and goes out into the back yard with his 4 legged siblings. It is fairly tiring but he seems so proud of himself and he is showing more independence with every new found normal.
I still find myself slipping into a sad thought pattern when I see him hobble uncomfortably from over doing it. However, I realize sometimes they just have to test their boundaries. With these test Boomer learns what he can and can’t do and I see his pride in accomplishment. Seeing him so happy when he shows me he can do things is so powerful and heartwarming. Here is to wonderful moments and realizations to all.
(My heart weighs heavy today as I report the great day we are having here. I think of all the people here who are not as fortunate as we are to have such a good outcome and my heart goes out to all of you. To those suffering a recent loss, to those who have gotten the bad news of cancer, and to those of you who are in the roller coaster recovery phase after an amputation.)
Boomer has had a very busy day today. He was very excited to go for a car ride to the vet for his 2 month ampuversary check -up. We are very happy to report everything is healing up very nicely and Boomer was given a clean bill of health! YEAH!!! He is down to 86 pounds and only has 11 pounds more to lose so his weight is coming off nice and steady with no problems. The vet and staff were so proud of how well he is recovering and his weight loss, there was hugs and kisses all around him. Yes, Boomer loved every minute of it.
To celebrate we went to PetSmart and picked up a few things. Every time we go there he gets doted on and everyone wants to love on him. They were all happy to hear about the positive 2 month check-up and gave him plenty of small treats.
Now we are back home and getting ready to go on his first camping trip since his amputation. We are living in a very good moment right now.