Angery at Mom, Laughter and reality

So, I got very mad at Mom and my bi-pawed sister Amber.  They took 2 of my MB brothers AND the stinky cat for a car ride and left me and my MB sister home alone.  I barked to let them know I was not happy.  They ignored me.  I whimpered trying to make them feel guilty, it didn’t work.  They were gone for 6 hours with those 2 Monkey Butts!  BUT when they got back I laughed and laughed and laughed some more.   I bet you want to know what was so funny.  Of course you do.  Well, MB Gilligan got his shots and nails trimmed but that wasn’t so funny.  What was funny is the stinky cat Thatch and the Monkey Butt Sammy got neutered.  Yep you read correct fixed!  They left intact and came back missing their stuff.

Then it happened, as I was relishing in the fact I wasn’t the one to go to the vet and come back missing parts, Mom said “What are you so happy about?  You don’t have your junk anymore either.”  What?!  I checked and she was right.  WOW was I ever let down and put in my place.

Here’s to calmer days ahead.


Boomer has reached his new normal.

It has been a long time since we have posted so her is a much overdue update:

It has been 3 months and 10 days now, hard to believe.  Boomer has continued to trim down and we have moved to maintaining his weight now.   His energy is almost back to his old normal because yesterday he ran around the yard back and forth between Amber and me many times wagging his tail.

Here is a list of his posts amp normal that has come to be over the last 3 months.

When we walk to go potty in the front yard, he asks regularly to do a walk to the other side of the block and back a couple of times.

He has learned to do very fast circles when he want a cookie (I can’t believe how fast he turns without that extra back leg getting in his way).

Boomer now gets on our bed all the time with no assistance (and off).

He rarely slips on hard surfaces anymore and when he does, he gets right back up again as if nothing has happened.

He has learned to push back against the MBs that seem to try and knock him down.

Boomer has learned that he can get away with sleeping all night between Robert and me because he plays our heart strings when we tell him to get in his spot at the foot of the bed.

He manages going up and down the deck stairs (still scares me a bit and Robert doesn’t have the courage to watch).

Boomer has also learned how to ask to be scratched behind his left ear and on his neck where his back left foot used to do the job.  Along with this he has finally learned how to use the rug as a way of pacifying a left side itch.

He has learned a simple routine to help us put his RoughWear harness on so we are dressed and ready to go in under 10 seconds.

He can get in and out of the car without assistance now but still needs help with the truck.  He only goes in the truck when we go camping, something he dearly loves.

These are just a few highlights of a 3 month post amp Super Hero in my eyes.  I hope this gives new amputees and their owners insight on how life can go back to a comfortable norm, how precious and fun it is to live in every moment we are blessed with and have to share with our wonderful furbabies.
