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Boomer gets 1st results from pathology.

It has been a week today since Super Boomers amputation!  Dr. Cowan called today with the preliminary pathology from the section closest to the amputation.  The cancer didn’t leave his leg!  This was wonderful news! We should have results as to what type of cancer and how aggressive it is next week.

This week has been a roller coaster of ups and downs.  From vomiting to not having a regular BM, medication blues to being concerned about Boomers results.  Today, I really started weaning Boomer down on his meds and after he had a real BM (1st real once since surgery) he was sore and exhausted.  Boomer was trembling and at that point I knew the pain got ahead of him.  So, I gave him his tramadol and a Duramaxx.   Besides being under the influence, he is doing pretty well.  He ate his supper without complaining and is perking his ears up for his 2 legged (human) older sister.

Super Boomer says “Hi to all” and has assured me he will be up to posting soon.



Day 4 post op begins.

Day 4 begins.  Boomer did great during the night.  He did spit up his meds though.  L  But has managed to keep them down this morning so far (knock on wood).  Today will be the first day Boomer and I will be flying solo without other 2 leggers helping us.  I don’t think we are going to have any problems.  He has been asking to go out, helping with putting his harness on and getting up on the mattress by himself now.  The only thing is, if I put his e-collar on, he takes it off.  So we have to have 24 hour eyes to make sure he isn’t trying to lick his stiches.

The only bleeding we have is from his soaker port when he moves around too much and it has reduced drastically.  Boomer is very comfortable with his incision and port because he lays down on them and sleeps without giving it a second thought.

Today, I might put his shorts on him because I think his backside gets cold without any fur on it.  Hope he likes those bright orange boxers.  He doesn’t mind his socks and helps with his harness so we will see.

Boomer goest to the ER

We took Super Boomer to the ER today.  He started vomiting, hasn’t had a BM yet and wasn’t perking up or wagging his tail.  His stats are good, he should have a BM in the next day or so and the ER vet gave him stuff to stop his vomiting.  We have reduced his Tramadol and took him off of the Duramaxx.  I am not going to give him the sedative again because that really zoned him to the point I thought he was going to die. 

No water and no food until this afternoon.  Boomer slept a fair amount since he has been home from the ER and is starting to get up a bit.  His ears are still down and I know it is because he is uncomfortable right now.  We have 1.5 more hours until we can give him some pain meds and then hope he can keep them down.  Boomer, even though he is uncomfortable is still getting up and going outside to pee (something we are so thankful for).  

So, after 4 PM Boomer finally had his first BM since his amputation.  He is now eating and drinking but still not 100% and is spitting up (not throwing up).  Today has been a real roller coaster.  Robert has completely taken over everything in this house so I can focus on “His Super Boomer”.  Boomer is being no more trouble than he has to.

Boomers Dr. called to check on him

Super Boomers Vet Dr. Cowan just called to check up on him (yes, his vet not a tech called personally.  I am impressed with this guy).  I explained my concern to Dr. Cowan because Boomer really wants to be active and it is important for him to rest up.  So, Dr. Cowan is prescribing him a sedative to give him at the mid points of his pain meds so he stays relaxed. 

Once Boomer realized he could get up and get water on his own and figured out how to pee, there was nothing stopping him, not even getting up on the mattress we put down in the entrance room for us to sleep with him. 

So, Boomer is doing Super, and we are going crazy trying to slow him down.  What can we say, it isn’t easy being parent of a super hero.

Boomers pain regiment

Super Boomer is home!  I think his Vet is the best!  Yes, it is Boomers Mom here again.  I just wanted to share the pain regiment Boomer was sent home with.  We are so thankful Dr. Cowan is very into pain management.  So here is his pain regiment for the next couple weeks:

Deramaxx  3PM once daily (pain and swelling)

Gabapentin 5 PM once daily (for nerve pain)

Tramadol every 8 hours  4pm 12 am 8 am 4 pm (for pain)

Cefpodoxime midnight once daily (antibiotics)

Bupivacaine 4 times daily on the 6’s and 12’s Injected into a soaker port, this numbs the nerves and helps prevent phantom pains

I am sharing this in hopes that anyone turning to this forum will be able to talk to their vet about managing their furry kids pain.

Now to the recovery details:

His vet wrote out a recovery and strengthening schedule for walking to build him back up.

And check this out, dissolvable stiches so he won’t have to go through the discomfort of stich removal.

Now as for how Boomer is doing… we have asked him to take it easy for a couple weeks from his Super Boomer job.  He has agreed to try.  He has eaten a bowl of cottage cheese, 2 hamburgers a couple of treats and drank a good amount of water.  He is groggy and not up to moving around much (a good thing).

Hope this meds list helps.  Thank all of you again for your well wishes.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message me.

Boomers Mom

Super Boomer Update.

I finally got to see Boomer and spent the last 3.5 hours sitting on the floor with him.  He is trying to sit up but can’t coordinate his remaining back leg because he is still under the effect of the epidural.   We did manage to get him up and walk him a bit with the ruff wear harness and a towel.  There was a lot of blood but the vet says that is normal.  I walked in front calling for him and he wagged his tail, perked his ears and tried to use that other leg.  He hadn’t eaten since we left him yesterday morning so I took some cottage cheese and he gobbled it up for me.  I am so proud of our Super Boomer.

Boomer didn’t want me to leave when the staff told me to go get something to eat while they take his stats and get more pain meds on board.  So, I told him that I was going to go home and post and update for him.  He was fine with that.

The staff is absolutely wonderful!  When I called in the night they gave me full updates and are very focused on Boomers comfort.   Shoal Creek Animal Hospital and Dr. Cowan (his surgeon who stayed late to take care of Boomer last night) gets 2 paws up from me.

Boomer is out of surgery

Boomer is out of surgery after 2.5 hours.  The tech called while they were closing and then his vet, Dr. Cowan, called after Boomer was awake in recovery. Boomer is still under the effects of the epidural and isn’t aware his leg is gone yet.  He also has a soaker in where the vet is administering a medication to block phantom pains.  This can stay in up to 3 weeks.  Along with that, Boomer has a pain drip going so he will be totally comfortable through the night.  I am so happy Dr. Cowan is so focused on his patients and pain management.  It brings a lot of peace of mind to Boomers family.

While Boomer was gone today, we blocked of stairs with easy people access.  Also we moved 3 chairs out of the entrance room and moved a queen size mattress down for Boomer and me to sleep on when he gets home.  Just as a precautionary, we set up a crate and put some comfy blankets in it in case I have to leave.  I don’t want him to start back to his Super Boomer duties to soon.

As hard as it is we are not going to see him tonight.  The vet recommended we let him rest because (being the super Boomer he is) he will try to get up and wag his tail if we go to see him.  This could cause problems and we don’t want to do that.

This has been a long day for all of us.  Thank you all for all of your support and if Boomer is up to it and home tomorrow, I am sure he will update everyone.

Today is the day

Hi everyone!  Today is the day I morph into a Tripawd Super Boomer.  Wow this has all moved so fast.  Mom thinks the faster the better because the tumor is very aggressive and she doesn’t want it to get into my belly.  Speaking of belly, Mom didn’t feed me this morning.  What is up with that?  Last night  I was actually hungry at dinner and ate.  Oh, well. 

Since the vet doesn’t have internet for me to post tonight Mom will post an update on my status as soon as the vet calls her.  I am sure she will be waiting on pins and needles.  She says she has a lot of work to do getting our entrance room ready for when I come home.  It is only one step to tackle when I need some fresh air.  She is going to move a couple chairs out, put the spare bed down there and set up a den for me in case I want some privacy.  After a long discussion, we figure it is okay for one of my 4 pawed siblings to be there with me.  Her name is Sunshine.  She loves me so much and gave me lots of lessons on way to being a super hero when I was little.   (Honestly I think she would bust down the gates to get to me and the folks couldn’t keep her away.)

Well, guess I need to get Mom moving this morning.  Big day ahead.

Thank you all for the well wishes.

Tomorrow is the day

Tomorrow is the day. ..the day I become a Tripawd.  My Mom is trying to stay calm and relaxed and not stress…key word trying.  She is trying to be strong for me but I know her heart is in her throat, her tummy is upset and her nerves are shaky.   I don’t understand what the big deal is and I am doing my best to try and make her happy but my Super Boomer powers aren’t even strong enough to take these bad emotions away today.

I hope Mom is going to be okay while I am in the hospital.   I don’t know if my sister Sunshine can fill in the Super Boomer roll while I am gone but I know she will give it her best.

Meanwhile, I ate my supper tonight without Mom telling me to several times.  I was actually hungry.  Figures, I can’t have anything to eat after midnight tonight so I would be hungry today.  Mom even slipped me a bite of homemade sugar cookie today.  I know that my diet is going to change when I get home and that is going to be yummy, I can’t wait for that.

Well, everyone, for the next couple days I will be at the hospital so Mom will be doing the updates and keeping you posted on my Super Boomer progress and status.  Wish me luck.

The Journey Begins.

Tomorrow I go to see my surgeon.  Mom assures me it is gonna be fine and I am not scared or nerveous in the slightest.  (Wish Mom and Dad weren’t).  Actually, I am not sure what all the fuss is about but it sure is stressing the folks out and that kinda makes me sad.  Dad gave me a nickname (Super Boomer) he has made up wonderful stories about how I save the world but never published them.  I really need to get him to do that.  He thinks I need to retire with the impending loss of my limb…I say NO WAY!  Super Boomer I will always be. 

So everybody stay tuned for my new adventures (that Mom or one of my 2 legged siblings will write for me) as the new Tripawd Super Boomer!


Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog

Boomers journey is brought to you by Tripawds.