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I feel great, why am I on a diet?

It is amazing how much better I am feeling now that it has been 2 weeks plus 2 days as a tripawd.  The medication is out of my system finally and my appetite is coming back.  When I started into this transformation I was 99.8 pounds.  Mom took me and my sister Sunshine, to our regular doctors office a couple days ago to weigh Sunny, she’s a big girl and has to lose 34 more pounds.   You can see how big Sunshine is in this picture of her and my bipawd sibling Carolyn when they were trying to be stowaways. 

So, what does Mom do, she gets me on the scale after Sunshine.  I have lost weight.  I am down to 88 pounds and now she says I still need to lose 13 more pounds?  When was I put on a diet?????  Does she not understand I am much better and my appetite is back?  I was 94 pounds after surgery, I have lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks, my appetite is back and now I am on a diet.  Ugh!!!   


Here is a pic of me at 99.8 pounds with my little brother Sammy.  (Sammy is too skinny in my opinion)  I don’t think I look overweight.  You can see from previous post my weight loss and Mom is going to continue to take pictures of my recovery and as she says, “Getting to my proper Super Hero weight.”  Leave it to Mom.

Boomer loves his tripawds rule Bandana

See my new cape?

Yesterday Super Boomer got his bandana and he loves it!!!  With the bandana came the nicest card and Boomer enjoyed reading it with me.  Then the excitement began when he realized that it was for him!  When I first put the bandana on Boomer he rolled around and wagged his tail like a little puppy.  He just knew that this bandana is his brand new Super Boomer cape. 


I am so happy to have a new bandana.


Boomer has two favorite things now outside of family and camping and that is his ruffwear harness and his new “cape”.  He helps me put his harness on every time we go out.  It really is cute to see him walk over to it and when I say left leg he shifts his weight for easy access, then I say head and he puts his head through.  He then holds perfectly still until he is snug as a bug and ready to go.This pic shows how he likes to also help with the mail.  He sorts the recycle from the good stuff.  You can see how much he loves his gear and helping by the great big content smile on his face.

Along with his bandana came a shirt for Dad and they both love it!!!


On the recover couch enjoying the new clothes.



Supplement for Boomer.

OK so Super Boomers Dr. called today and I spoke with him about many aspects, 1 being a quality supplement for Boomers remaining limbs.  I am concerned because Boomer is 7 and a half years old that arthritis could kick in because of the stress on his remaining 3 legs.  Also, I am concerned because of the necessary strength building involved for a Tripawd.  Dr. Cowan recommended a prescription called Dauquin.  I don’t know if anyone has heard about this or not.  It has been 3rd party tested and Dr. Cowan says he is positive about what it states is in it is actually there.  This supplement contains everything necessary for joint health and maintenance.   We started Super Boomer on this supplement tonight.  I will let everyone know the results. 

I posted this info in supplements in the forum also.

2 weeks post op

Boomer is up and moving a lot more, we went for a few short walks (to the end of the block and back), did some stretching and core strengthening.  He was exhausted!  In the mornings he gets on the couch by himself, by evening he needs a little boost to get his hind leg up.  (He looks back over his shoulder so much as to ask for a leg up). I hope he isn’t overdoing it.  Thinking maybe he needs to slow down a bit but he does love his couch time and getting outside more.   

Lately when Super Boomer is sleeping, he is running in his dreams, his amputated area twitches like crazy!  Sometimes when he wakes up, he looks back left like he is trying to determine dreams from reality. 

Today, my sweet boy didn’t have much appetite (even turned his nose up at cottage cheese and rice).  So Amber, his oldest Bipawd sibling went and got some canned Alpo.  That did the trick and he ate most of his 2 meals of kibble.  Tomorrow is his last antibiotic!!!  Yes!!! No more trying to disguise it!!!

I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with him while he recovers.  I am also thankful for a fairly smooth recovery time so far.  I am especially thankful for all of the people who share their tripawds lives and experiences with me and help me through the process that Boomer has had to endure.

No more soaker and no more pain meds!

Hoppy Valentines Day everyone!  My folks took the soaker out last night.  There was a lot of yucky pink and clear stuff coming out of the hole where it was.  Mom spent a while waiting for it to stop pouring out.  Dad said it was just my seroma draining.  I am so happy to get it out though.  The soaker bounced when I hopped and it was very annoying.  Without the soaker I don’t leak anymore because I have a small bandage covering where it used to be.  The best part…NO MORE PUPPY PADS!!! 

I am now completely off the meds except for 2 more antibiotics that Mom is trying to figure out how to disguise so I take them.  I am onto all her secrets.  Also, I am still playing Mom for the yummy food.  I like the special goodies she makes me.  Dad tried to give me a milkbone last night.  I held out for the duck jerky. 

Well, the couch is free so guess I will grab my morning medicinal nap since I have eaten and been out for my morning constitutional.  Hoppy Valentines Day everyone!

Love, Super Boomer


It is so quiet outside right now.  A soft cold blanket has covered my yard, and gentle flakes are falling out of the sky landing in my fur, nestling down to my skin as they melt.  Still being half way unrobed of my warm winter coat; I got a bit of a chill while outside enjoying the first real snow of the year.  When Mom and I came back inside she covered me up with my nice warm fuzzy fleece blanket.  I really like that especially until my hair grows back.  How do my fellow short haired amputees stay warm without blankets, I will never understand.

This morning, I am not in the mood for breakfast yet, this makes my mom concerned but I am just so happy to be on a warm couch and being snuggled up with my super fuzzy blanket; the thought of food has floated away like the snowflakes outside. 

I haven’t had any pain medication yet today either.  (Mom said something to dad about weaning me off of them) I don’t like those nasty tasting meds and have become savvy to all the disguises mom uses.  She has ruined many good morsels of cream cheese, Vienna sausage, bites of liver and hotdogs all ruined by those yucky things.

Well, I am off to take a nap.

Your Tripawd friend (of 11 days) Super Boomer

Day 10

Hello Everyone!!!  It is day 10 and the meds are pretty much worn off and my system is getting back to normal.  I am still slightly uncomfortable but decided it is time to jump on the computer while Mom is taking a nap.  (She likes naps.)

So my journey has sure had its ups and downs these last 10 days but my Mom is letting me stay outside longer when I go potty.  Today I walked a short bit (it was exhausting but felt so good).  Then I came in and Mom helped me back up on to the couch.  Today is the first day I have been allowed up there.  Every time I have tried to hint at it my folks told me not yet.  Today, they said ok!  I love the couch!  However, the cat has seemed to be spending a lot of time on it and it doesn’t smell as much like me.  That’s okay; I will do my best to fix the stinky cat smell by sleeping on it as much as possible today.  (When Mom isn’t taking a nap.)

We have cold temperatures here right now and the wind is light, there is no fluffy white stuff yet and this time I am glad about it because my backend is still fairly naked and cold.  It sure will be nice when the hair grows back out.

Don’t tell my family, I am milking getting spoiled when it comes to the food.  Mom has been making me this yummy stuff and then tried to give me kibble this morning.  (Can you believe that? Kibble, Yuck!) I just gave her those sad eyes like the pain was bothering me and poof there it was, the yummy stuff again. 

Every time I go out and do anything my family cheers for me.  I have been housebroken for years!  What is up with this cheering? 

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Super Boomer

Pawrental recovery advice

Here is some recovery advice from Boomers Mom.

Take time for yourself during the stress of caring for a new amputee.  (Never realized how stress was impacting my energy.)

Today, I got out of the cabin.  Yes, cabin fever has been a problem.  Boomer is no more trouble than he has to be.  The only outing we’ve had has been to the vet.  So…my hubby, Robert, took me out for some fresh air and lunch.  My spirits are so much better now. 

During the past 9 days my entire focus has been on Super Boomer and his recovery.  Sleeping, eating and getting out have not been priorities for me during this time.  However, today, Robert arranged for our oldest to sit with Boomer and told me it is time to get out.  (Yes, I worried about Boomer while we were gone.) 

Now that I am back home, (much refreshed), I am ready to resume taking care of our Super boy with a renewed energy.  Boomer senses this freshness and is all wags about it (removing some of his stress as well.)

Hope other new tripawd pawrents, take this advice and get that renewed energy.



We took Boomer back into the vet again.  He has what appears to be a lot of fluid buildup.  Nothing to worry about we just need to give him a couple of heat compresses a day and it should go down.  While we were at the vet we found out more Pathology came back; so far the results are looking good!  The cancer is not aggressive so Super Boomer will not need chemo!  The vet is sending in a few more sections to gain more information about the cancer.

We are reducing his soaker from 4 times daily to 1-2 times if we can get by 2 days with just one soaker treatment the stint can come out!  Go Boomer!  He is definitely on the mend!

He is very tired as you can see he’s propped his head up against the side of the chair.

Sleepy Super Boomer
Relief, the cancer is not aggressive!

Sleep is good.

Boomer has been doing great sleeping through the night since his amputation (he even sleeps on his left side).  However, being the humanizing, worrisome mom I am, my sleep has been lacking.  Robert has been sleeping with Boomer and I have been sleeping on the couch (2 sets of ears are better than 1).  Sleep for me has been scarce but last night I finally did it!  I slept more last night than I have all week. 

I am beginning to think the human factor makes it tough on us new tripawd moms.  Guess I should take lessons from Boomer and just roll with what comes our way.

Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog

Boomers journey is brought to you by Tripawds.